Friday, January 9, 2009

Happy New Year

Isabel tries water colors

Laila and Elaina opening gifts at Titi Chell and Tio Tony's house

Alexander rocks out!!!

Popop and Isabel Christmas Day

Isabel all dressed up to go see Santa!

Hi family and friends,

Happy New Year. 2008 was a blessed year and we are looking forward to God's great blessings in 09. We are doing great and Isabel is definately keeping us busy. She is trying to use words more and that is very entertaining. She is obsessed with dogs and barking, so anytime she sees an animal of any kind or a picture of an animal she starts barking. She is still dancing all of the time, whether she has music or not, so we cannot wait for the days of tutus and tights. The holidays were great for us. We spent Christmas day with the Motley family (tony's family) and New Year's Day with the Marzan sisters and kids (Michelle's family). Both days were great fun. Michelle's nieces Laila and Elaina and her nephew Alexander are hilarious. Alexander played guitar hero for about 2 hours and honestly believed himself to be a rock star, and the girls danced around all day with Isabel (of course). They settled down to watch a movie and Tio Tony fell asleep. Ha Ha. Well we hope your holidays were great and we will keep you all updated on whats happening here. God Bless!!!!

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