Sunday, April 13, 2008

Family Update

Hi Family and Friends,

We hope everyone is well and recieving God's blessings everyday. We are great. We are getting ready for two big weddings coming up in the next 2 months. Lance and Kim , our best friends, are getting married in 2 weeks and Travis (brother) and Kim are getting married at the end of May. Praise God!!!!!!! Isabel is really trying hard to get mobile. She can't crawl yet in the conventional way, but she can sure crawl backwards and scoot well enough to go were she wants. She is now pulling up on everything and cruising around the furniture. She loves to use Tony as her personal jungle gym, and drops her toys on purpose so she can squat and get them. It is absolutely adorable to watch. (see pics) She is now waving to everyone and anything she sees and is clapping. We can't believe she will be 1 in a little more than a month. Wow it has gone by fast. We will keep you updated on all of her "firsts" as the come. With love, Michelle and Tony

1 comment:

lovergurl08 said...

Isabel is so cute and she looks like you.