Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Hello Santa

Isabel and Santa Clause on Friday Dec 19th.
She is not very happy

Although there was not a smile, we considered this year's santa picture a success. No Crying!! She definately gave santa and his helpers her famous angry face, but after being bribed with a candy cane she relaxed little. Merry Christmas and God Bless!!!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Hey Friends and Family! Sorry it has taken us so long to post an update. Our computer was out of commision for quite a while, but we are now back online. Isabel is now 18months old and doing great. She is trying to talk, running around and climbing on things, and dancing, dancing, dancing. She loves music and can't get enough. I have gone back to work part time at the lab and Tony is doing great at his office. We will definately be updating you all more often now so be on the lookout for more fun pictures.

Isabel helps decorate the tree.

Isabel is Daddy's little helper.

Isabel as a ladybug for Halloween.

Isabel "helping" with chores.

Isabel is trying on Daddy's shoes.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Mother's Day

Hello Friends and Family,

This year I celebrated my first Mother's Day and it was great. Tony made a home cooked meal of Fettucine Alfredo from scratch, we picniced at Mt. Rainier, I got a lei from Hawaii, Tony gave me a spa gift certificate for my first ever massage, and Isabel took her first step. What an amazing blessing!!!!!!! Isabel also celebrated her 1st birthday on the 19th and we will be doing a party for her on the 25th. This is all going so fast, but we are making sure to take in every second. I hope you enjoy our pics. Love you all and God Bless.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Family Update

Hi Family and Friends,

We hope everyone is well and recieving God's blessings everyday. We are great. We are getting ready for two big weddings coming up in the next 2 months. Lance and Kim , our best friends, are getting married in 2 weeks and Travis (brother) and Kim are getting married at the end of May. Praise God!!!!!!! Isabel is really trying hard to get mobile. She can't crawl yet in the conventional way, but she can sure crawl backwards and scoot well enough to go were she wants. She is now pulling up on everything and cruising around the furniture. She loves to use Tony as her personal jungle gym, and drops her toys on purpose so she can squat and get them. It is absolutely adorable to watch. (see pics) She is now waving to everyone and anything she sees and is clapping. We can't believe she will be 1 in a little more than a month. Wow it has gone by fast. We will keep you updated on all of her "firsts" as the come. With love, Michelle and Tony

Thursday, March 13, 2008

I got baptised!!!!!

Hello friends and family

I got baptised this past Sunday!!!! Yay for me. It is something I have been meaning to do for a long time. My friend Jason, who is also a pastor at our church did the actually dunking. It was a wonderful experience. This pics are dark, but if you look closely I have a cheesy grin on my face. Praise GOD!!!!!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Hello again

Hi everyone,

I hope that all of you are doing great, and are all in good health. We are great here. We are finally getting settled in to our new place. The difference between a 1 br 1 closet box apartment and a townhouse is imeasurable. We love all of the space, and Isabel loves the carpet. Atleast she likes to eat the carpet. (No lie) I have had to pull carpet fibers out of her mouth twice. Ha Ha. She also loves to play her toy piano and even dances along to the music she plays. I think we have a musician on our hands, Her other favorite things are to sit in front of the closet mirrors and kiss herself, and to try and eat our cell phones. She has even accidentally dialed her Abuela and her Daddy. We hosted the Motleys for the SuperBowl and everyone had a good time. We ate the always popular "superbowl weenies" and the "yummy ghetto chip dip", and Jackie took a nap during the game. That is all for now. come back soon.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Isabel's 2 cents

vc htgfrnb cgvxg -Isabel
Hi everyone,
This is my first official blog. I feel so internet savvy. Ha Ha. We hope you (friends and family) enjoy our postings as we attempt to keep you all up to date on our lives. As of today Isabel is starting to pull up on furniture and it appears as if she is giving up on attempting to crawl. Crazy how time flies. I pray that you are all in good health and enjoy this blog with us.