Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Hello again

Hi everyone,

I hope that all of you are doing great, and are all in good health. We are great here. We are finally getting settled in to our new place. The difference between a 1 br 1 closet box apartment and a townhouse is imeasurable. We love all of the space, and Isabel loves the carpet. Atleast she likes to eat the carpet. (No lie) I have had to pull carpet fibers out of her mouth twice. Ha Ha. She also loves to play her toy piano and even dances along to the music she plays. I think we have a musician on our hands, Her other favorite things are to sit in front of the closet mirrors and kiss herself, and to try and eat our cell phones. She has even accidentally dialed her Abuela and her Daddy. We hosted the Motleys for the SuperBowl and everyone had a good time. We ate the always popular "superbowl weenies" and the "yummy ghetto chip dip", and Jackie took a nap during the game. That is all for now. come back soon.